Welcome to Lake Pend Oreille Mobility
What we do? We provide solutions, allowing those with mobility issues to continue to use their boat, pontoons, canoe, fishing boat, paddleboard, kayak, wake boat, etc.!!!!

Boat to our downtown location on Sandcreek. Or boat to our Warren Island location. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. (June 1st – Oct 1st)

Some of the 100’s of dock mobility solutions we represent:
Dock enclosures, dock fencing, dock stairs into bars, dock swings into boats, sling seat accessories…and much more.

New dock device helps people in wheelchairs go boating.

All mobility product installations will be performed by licensed, bonded and insured contractors who will obtain permits and inspections from the local jurisdiction.
Anything is Possible.

Jim Metcalf
Lake Pend Oreille Mobilty
402 Larch St. • Sandpoint, ID 83864
